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Training Administrative Settings

Training Administrative Settings

Due Dates

Use these options to set how long users have to finish their training when a user is added, a "new like" is created, or a revision is made. You can set the number of days a Training due date is assigned. Due dates for a user can be automatically set to the following.


Use these options to set Signoff rules related to the Pass/Fail threshold; whether trainers can mark non-active revisions as complete for users; whether users must pass their comprehension before signoff.

can set the following Signoff rules:

  • Allow trainer to mark as Complete for users on non-active revisions of training
  • Must pass comprehension before signoffbe
  • Allow trainer to mark as Complete for users no non-active revisions of training


Use these options to set whether Trainers and Signatories can edit and/or grade comprehensions.


Choose whether you want trainings to be generated after new revisions are automatically created.