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Log into Empower Reporter and click on "Manage Reports/Views"

The ViewManager Home Page has 4 main areas:

List Search/FilterUsed to find database views
Action LinksLinks to all ViewManager actions
View ListLists database views (based on display count)
ToolbarCommands for the View/Report list

List Search/Filter

The List Search/Filter area allows you to search for specific views and/or reports in the database.

The Action Links section provides the following links:

Home PageReturns you to the ViewManager Home Page (from other pages)
Create/Modify Reports/ViewsLinks you to the View/Report creation/modify page
Open/View ReportLinks you to the View/Report Display page
Reporter HomeLinks you to the Empower Reporter Home Page
Log outLogs you out of the ViewManager/Reporter
Empower DesktopLinks you to the Empower Desktop Home Page
AdministratorLinks you to the Empower Administrator Home Page


The Toolbar contains the following commands:

Delete ReportsDisplays the Remove Reports slide panel to remove reports/views
New ReportCreate a new report/view
Apply SearchRuns/applies the search/filter parameters
Page Results LimitAllows you to set/modify the number of results displayed

Reports/Views List

The Reports/Views List displays the available views/reports in the database. You can search for views and reports using the Search/Filter area.

The Reports/Views will provide the following actions (based on user permission):

OpenOpens the report in the Report View Page
EditOpens the report in the Report Editor page
DeleteDelete the report/view