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Sole-Sourced Item Reports

Sole-Sourced Item Reports


Sole-Sourced Item Reports can be generated from the Reporter Homepage Location of Sole Sourced Item report on reporter homepage

Report Basics

Sole-Sourced Item Report Click "Apply/Run Report" to generate data.

Options and Filters

Options and filters section

  • Select whether you would like to include active revs only.
  • Filter your data by Field, value, business unit, and project.


You can export the results by clicking the Save/Export toolbar button.

export button and menu

From the Export Report panel, you can select the output format and file name. Export file options

Once the format and file have been specified, click the Save/Export Results button to create the report.

If the file is created successfully, the download link will be available. To view the report, click the download link. Export Menu showing file link