Unit of Measure Types

Unit of Measure Types


Unit of Measure types are used by Empower to classify a particular BOM item quantity.

These options are available when adding or editing a BOM item in Desktop.

Note: you can have the system display/use an attribute assigned to the item as the unit of measure for BOMs. Contact Empower Support for more information on how to use an attribute as the Unit of Measure on a BOM.

To modify Unit of Measure Types, click the Unit of Measure Types link from the Navigator pane (Global Options section).


To add a Unit of Measure, click the Add toolbar button.

From the New Type dialog box, specify a name and description. Click the Add or Apply button to add the type.

When defining a Unit of Measure, you can optionally check the This will be the default UOM option.

If this option is selected, this unit of measure will be assigned to each new item added to the BOM, if it is not overridden by the user.


To modify a type, click the Edit icon on the Type list.

This will invoke the Edit Type panel.


To remove an entry, click the Delete icon on the list.

Enabling Deleted

Deleting an entry will "disable" the record in the database. You can view disabled entries by checking the Display Disabled option.

You can activate/enable the entry by clicking the Enable icon.