


The use of a Signoff workflow for Vendor Items is optional. The Administrator can enable this feature if desired. Otherwise, Vendor Items are not subject to an approval process.

The Signoff page will list the signoff stages and users who are reviewing or must sign off on the object before it is released.

ToolbarQuick access to common Signoff functions
Signoff Stages and User ListsList of stages and users reviewing or signing the item
Rejection StagesIndicates the rejection stage
SummaryStage/user completion

The signoff follows a workflow (defined in the Administrator). Signoff workflows are comprised of a set of signoff "stages".

A Signoff stage can contain one or more users who are required to sign or review. During each signoff stage, user approvals or rejections can be processed in parallel.

Once all required users (signers) approve the request, the next stage will be activated. Each signoff stage can contain an unlimited number of users.

The Signoff Toolbar contains the following commands:

Assign a workflow
Add users, stages, workflows
Add users to specific stages
Send an email to signoff users

Active stages will be displayed with a different color in the header bar.

For more information about Signoff, please refer to Signoff and Workflows section for details.