


To create a Training object, you must use the New Object Wizard.

Refer to the New Object Wizard for more information on creating objects.

Training Types

Training types can determine required fields, Training Name/Number format, and Revs. Training Types are defined in the Administrator.

Data pages

All Training forms contain the following data pages:

GeneralName/Number, Rev, Type, Priority, Status, Trainer, Signatory, Frequency, Comprehension custom fields.
UsersAll users involved in the training.
Training ItemsList items added in training.
TasksTo record the progress of training.
AttributesUse parameters to define additional information.
DocumentsDocuments assigned to the Training.
RevisionsList all the training revisions.
CommentsGeneral user and signoff comments.
AssociationsAssociated items, Changes, CAPA, etc.
HistoryList of changes that have occurred to the Training (User, Date, Tool Used)
SignoffComplete the training process.
ComprehensionComprehension can be an exam or a satisfaction survey.