


The History Page lists all change, viewing, and email history (audit trail) for every database object. Any change that occurs (interactive changes, data uploads, ECO changes, etc.) is recorded in the database. Desktop will automatically fill in the change and viewing history information for this page.

The History Page contains the following sections:

Viewing Modes

The History list will display all changes to the item as well as the viewing (who has opened the item) and email history. To change the view, select the Viewing History, Change History or Email History option from the Display drop list.

Change History

The Change History list contains the following information:

ActionType of Change (Item Created, Attributes, BOM, Vendor Items, Documents, etc.)
RevThe revision of the item to which the change was made
DetailsActual data ("Created by BOM") changes
UserUser who made the change (or released the ECO)
Date/TimeWhen the change was made
Tool UsedEmpower module used to make the change (i.e. Desktop, ECO Processor, etc.)

Viewing History

The Viewing History list contains the following information:

UserUser who opened the item
DateWhen the item was viewed
Tool UsedTool/module used to view the item
WorkstationMachine/system used to view the item

Email History

The Email History list contains the following information:

Send Date/TimeDate and time the email was sent
SubjectSubject line of the email
UserUser who sent the email
TypeEither interactive or automatic

Search Filter

You can search for history events by clicking the Search/Filter toolbar button. This will display the Browse/Search slide-out panel.

You can use with the Browse tree to select a particular field, or select the field and field value to filter the list.

The list form will display any filters.

You can clear the filter by clicking the Show All Items button.