


In the database, Vendors can represent any company with whom you do business. Vendors usually represent companies who manufacturer or supply goods for your products. However, vendors can also represent partners, customers, contractors, etc. A vendor "type" can be used to define the vendor for searching and clarification purposes.

Vendor Items represent the items (parts, assemblies, documents, etc.) that are supplied by other sources. Vendor Items will be defined by an associated vendor and part number.


Vendor objects can contain the following data (note Vendor Name is required, all other data is optional):

  • Name - Company name
  • Type - Vendor classification (e.g. Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributor, Partner, Customer, - etc.)
  • Status - Status rating of company
  • Address Information
    • Address, City, State, Country, Zip
  • Web Site - Company web site
  • Comment - Notes about vendor
  • Custom Fields - User-defined fields

Creating Vendors

To create a new Vendor, launch the New Object Wizard. From the New Object Wizard, click the New Vendor option.

From the New Object Wizard, fill in the required fields and click the Create Vendor/Company button.

New Vendors can be assigned to a signoff workflow. If Vendor signoff is enabled, the new vendor will need to go through user approval before it is considered "released".