Advanced Actions

Advanced Actions


OmniBOM contains some advanced editing functions that allow you to expand and condense reference designator (refdes) strings and perform duplicate refdes and refdes/qty mismatch checks.

To access the Advanced Actions, click the Advanced Actions toolbar button. This will invoke the Advanced Actions slide-out panel.

Expanding/Condensing Refdes

OmniBOM can automatically expand and condense reference designator fields. For example, reference designators represented as: U1,U2,U3,U4,U5,U8,U10,U11,U12 can automatically be converted to be represented as: U1-U5,U8,U10-U12 and vice-versa.

To expand or condense reference designator fields, click the Advanced Actions toolbar button. This will invoke the Advanced Actions slide-out panel.

From the Advanced Actions slide-out panel, select the Expand/Condense Refdes header to expand the section.

To expand or condense the refdes field, you must first select the field that contains the refdes.

To execute the expand or condense, select the desired operation and then click the Run/Update button.

Reference Designator Checks

OmniBOM can check reference designator fields for the following issues:

Quantity/Refdes MismatchesDetermines if there are any mismatches in the defined quantity and the number of reference designators assigned
Duplicate RefdesDetermines if a specific reference designator is used on multiple items in the BOM.

To perform these tests, click the Advanced Actions toolbar button. This will invoke the Advanced Actions slide-out panel.

From the Advanced Actions slide-out panel, select the Refdes Checks header to expand the section.

Quantity/Reference Designator Check

OmniBOM can check a defined "quantity" field against a "reference designator" column to determine if there are any mismatches in the defined quantity and the number of reference designators. Reference designators can be delimited with a comma (U1,U2,U3,U5) or compressed with a dash character (U1-U3,U5). To check for mismatches, select the Quantity/Refdes Mismatch option. You can then select the Refdes and Quantity fields as well as define a "Results" field that will display any issues.

To run the test, click the Run Check button. The Results field will display the results of the check.

Duplicate Reference Designators Check

OmniBOM can check a defined "reference designator" column to determine if a reference designator is used anywhere else in the BOM. Reference designators can be delimited with a comma (U1,U2,U3,U5) or compressed with a dash character (U1-U3,U5). To check for duplicates, select the Duplicate Refdes option. You can then select the Refdes and Quantity fields as well as define a "Results" field that will display any issues.

To run the test, click the Run Check button. The Results field will display the results of the check.