Keyword Search

Keyword Search


Desktop provides you with a keyword search engine. The keyword search will search multiple fields (user-defined) for a user supplied keyword(s). The Keyword Search can be used to find:

  • Items
  • Changes/ECOs
  • Quality/CAPA
  • Vendor Items
  • Projects
  • Service Objects
  • Training Items
  • Vendors
  • HelpDesk Posts
  • HelpDesk Tickets


You can invoke the keyword search from various areas:

  • Empower Server Home Page
  • Desktop Home Page
  • Search Widget
  • Database Search Form

You can launch the Keyword Search from the Desktop Home Page (Quick Links or Navigator).

You can also launch the Keyword search from the Search Widget by checking the Keyword Search option.

From the Database Search form, you can launch the Keyword Search from the Links section.

Keyword Form

The Keyword Search form contains the following sections:

Object SelectSelect the object you wish to find
Keyword ValueSpecify the keyword(s) to search on
Search FieldsSelect the fields to search
OptionsKeyword search options
Results ListKeyword search results

Object Select

You can select the object to search on by selecting the object drop list.

Search Fields

The Keyword search allows you to select which fields to include in the search criteria. To select fields, click the Show All/Select button.

This will present the list of available fields and checkboxes.

Checking the desired field will include it in the search results. To hide the field list, click the Hide All link.

The Search Fields list will display all checked fields.

Search Options

The Options pane provides the following options:

Use Search TermsAllows you to specify multiple words as an "or" condition
Use Negative TermsAllows you to specify "Not" conditions
Launch separate formLaunch the object in a separate browser tab/window

Search Terms

The search form allows users to use "Search Terms". Search terms are multiple words, delimited by a user-defined delimiting character, that will automatically result in creating an "or" condition for any field. For example, if you wanted to search in the description field for items containing "USB" or "Cable", you could simply check the Use Search Terms option (Options section).

And then run a search on USB Cable in the description field.

Note: the default delimiting character is a space character. This would result in any items containing USB or Cable in the description field.

You can force the system to look for exact matches by enclosing the term with double quotes.

Exact terms can be combined with other search terms.

Use Negative Terms

When using Search Terms, you can also define "Negative terms". "Negative Terms" are automatically converted to "not" conditions. When using negative terms, you must define a prefix character that denotes the negative search terms in the Options section.

For example, if you wanted to search for all items that contained "test" in the description but not "item", you would search on "test -item" in the description field.

This would result in items that contained "test" in the description field but not "item".


You can specify a term to search for in the checked fields in the Search value/term area.

To execute the search, click the Run button.


The Results List will display the items that match your keyword and selected fields.

The Result list will include a "Match Found" and "Match Field" column that will display the field and value that match your search criteria.

The Results list will contain "paging" options that can be controlled in the Toolbar. The toolbar contains 2 options that control the results view.

Clicking either hyperlink will display a drop list that will allow you to change the value/option.

The Max Page setting will determine how many records are displayed "per page". The Total setting allows you to limit the total number or records to search in the database. If the return records exceeds the Max Page count, the system will create paging buttons.

The paging buttons will allow you to move forward and back through the result pages.

The results list will contain hyperlinks that will allow you to launch/open the selected object.


The toolbar contains the following commands:

Run the search
Copy the checked objects
Create a new object like the checked object
Create a new object
Delete checked objects
Save/Export the search and results

The Copy, New Like, and Delete commands will operate on the checked list items.