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Email Alerts

Email Alerts


Email Alerts are a mechanism that allows you to configure the delivery of automatic email messages when certain editing events occur in the Empower Database.

The Email Alerts Option page displays a list of available editing events which can trigger an automatic email alert, and the users who will receive the messages.

Alert Events

Empower can automatically send email alerts on the following events:

New ItemAutomatically send initial email the first time a new part request is submitted or a new workflow stage is activated.
Item RejectedWhen a signoff user rejects a part request.
Item Awaiting ReleaseSends an email when the last required user approves a Part request.
Item ReleasedSends an email when a part request is approved and released.
New ChangeAutomatically send initial email the first time an ECO/Change request is submitted or a new workflow stage is activated.
Change RejectedSends an email when a signoff user rejects an ECO/Change request.
Change Awaiting ReleaseSends an email when the last required user approves a Change/ECO request.
Change ReleasedSends an email when an ECO/Change request is approved and released.
Change ImplementedEnable a new email alert for Implemented Changes.
Change CanceledSends an email when an ECO/Change request is canceled.
Change Expiring SoonSends an email when ECO/Change order is expiring.
New QualityAutomatically send initial email the first time a Quality/CAPA request is submitted or a new workflow stage is activated.
Quality RejectedSends an email when a signoff user rejects a Quality/CAPA request.
Quality Awaiting ReleaseSends an email when the last required user approves a Quality/CAPA request.
Quality ReleaseSends an email when a Quality/CAPA request is approved and released.
New ProjectAutomatically send initial email when users become active for signoff on a project.
Project RejectedEmail sent when a signoff user rejects a project.
Project Awaiting ReleaseEmail sent when a Project reaches an Awaiting Completion status.
Project ReleasedEmail sent when a project is marked as complete.
New RoutingAutomatically send initial email when users become active for signoff on a BOM Routing object.
Routing RejectedEmail sent when a signoff user rejects a BOM Routing.
Routing Awaiting ReleaseEmail sent when a BOM Routing reaches an Awaiting Release status.
Routing ReleasedEmail sent when a BOM Routing is released.
User TrainingAutomatically send initial email when users become active for training.
Training Recurrence DueEmail sent when a new training recurrence is approaching to remind you to make any new training revisions.
Comprehension Exam Submitted for GradingEmail sent when trainee submits exam for grading.
Comprehension Exam GradedEmail sent when trainer submits grades for exam.
New VendorAutomatically send initial email when users become active for signoff on a Vendor.
Vendor RejectedEmail sent when a signoff user rejects a Vendor.
Vendor Awaiting ReleaseEmail sent when a Vendor reaches an Awaiting Completion status.
Vendor ReleasedEmail sent when a Vendor is released.
New Vendor ItemAutomatically send initial email when users become active for signoff on a Vendor Item/Part.
Vendor Item RejectedEmail sent when a signoff user rejects a Vendor Item/Part.
Vendor Item Awaiting ReleaseEmail sent when a Vendor Item/Part reaches an Awaiting Completion status.
Vendor Item ReleasedEmail sent when a Vendor Item/Part is released.
New Service ObjectAutomatically send initial email when users become active for signoff on a Service Object.
Service Object RejectedEmail sent when a signoff user rejects a Service Object.
Service Object Awaiting ReleaseEmail sent when a Service Object reaches an Awaiting Completion status.
Service Object ReleasedEmail sent when a Service Object is released.


To enable an email alert, first check the checkbox of the specific alert. This will display the Edit Alert panel.

Next, specify the email address you wish to route the message to. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses using a semi-colon as a delimiting character.

If the alert is associated with a workflow event (such as a new Change/ECO), you can check the Required Users and Requester, and Reviewers checkboxes.

Required UsersEmail will be sent to the users of the active signoff stage who are required to sign the object
ReviewersEmail will be sent to the users of the active signoff stage who are reviewers of the object
RequesterEmail will be sent to the user that initially requested/created the item

Additional Address(es)

Administrators can directly address or “tag” groups of users by their Project Role or User Group. When that email alert is triggered, all users within that specific Project Role or User Group will receive an email.

For example, if an Administrator wants Empower to send an email alert to all the members within the Project Role Purchasing and Supply Chain when the Project is released, the Administrator can type in @ProjectRole:Purchasing and Supply Chain. To tag additional Project Roles, User Groups, or just additional single email addresses, simply separate them using commas or semi-colons.

In the example above, the name of the Project Role is taken from the Roles page of the specific Project.

You can select an email template to be used for the Subject and Body/Content of the email from the Template column drop list.

Refer to the Email Templates section for more information on Email Templates.

If the alert is associated with a workflow event (such as a new Change/ECO), you can have the system send separate emails to the required users and reviewers. To create a separate email for reviewers, click the Use a separate email for reviewers option. This will display additional options for the Reviewer email.

Once all alert settings have been specified, click the Save Settings button to store the changes.

Disabling Alerts

To disable an email alert, uncheck the alert checkbox of the specific alert.

Uncheck the Enable this Alert option and click the Save Settings button to store the changes.

To disable all current email alerts, select Disable All and confirm your choice.

To re-enable all alerts that were previously disabled, select Re-enable Alerts.