You can launch the ViewManager from the Server Home Page or Empower Reporter.
When the Empower Server is installed, the user will select a virtual directory where all Empower Web Applications and Services will be installed.
Once the Server installation is complete, you can visit the Empower Server Home Page using any Web browser with the URL:
http://[Server Name]/[Empower Virtual Directory](e.g. http://Empowerserver/Empower8).
The ViewManager is part of the Empower Reporter. To access the ViewManager, click the Manage Reports/Views or Reporter Home links in the Reports section of the Home Page.
When accessing the ViewManager, users will be required to login with a valid Empower user name/password.
All Empower users can access the ViewManager, however only those with view editing permissions will be able to create, modify, and delete database views. Users without editing permissions will only be able to display and search views.
User with full editing permission: