Release 8.2

Release 8.2


Empower 8.2 introduces an updated User Interface. The new user interface brings a fresh look to the Empower Desktop and its modules. Additionally, Empower introduces a new permission model that allows Administrators configure user groups to see, open, or prohibit access to specific objects. Thirdly, Empower introduces a new universal tasks module that allows users to assign tasks to all objects except users and documents. Read on for all the upgrades in this release.

Upgrade: Updated User Interface

Empower 8.2 brings a significant refresh of the Empower Desktop user interface. Monochromatic icons, larger fonts, and greater utilization of white space reduce visual clutter and increase the readability of the application. Despite, the refreshed user interface, all functionality remains intact and existing Empower users will feel at ease navigating the new Empower. Users can find the new user interface in the Empower Server Home Page, Login, and the Empower Desktop and its constituent modules: Items, Changes, Search, etc. Empower Administrator, License Monitor, Application Portal, Reporter currently do not support the new user interface.

Refreshed User Interface A primary color theme now dominates the title bar, highlighted tabs, and borders within the user interface. (Users can define color themes within the Themes/Options Files of User Preferences.) The side navigation bar and the work pages that contain object information appear in white. The background of the pages appear in light gray to contrast with the object information in white to center the user’s focus on the object information. Text appears in a larger font with additional spacing and icons are monochromatic. Emphasizing a primary color and contrasting white and gray space reduces visual clutter, improves readability, and allows the user to focus on the object information.

Monochromatic Icons To reduce visual clutter, new monochromatic icons replace the previous multi-colored icons. New monochromatic icons represent Empower objects. The table below summarizes the new icons for Empower objects.

Empower ObjectsNew Icons
Item/Parts/BOMsRound screw
Changes/ECOsRubber stamp
Quality/CAPACircle formed by two curved arrows with the arrowheads
ProjectsPortfolio briefcase
DocumentsSingle document with the top right corner folded.
TrainingAn opened book with the cover facing the viewer.
VendorA box with the top opened.
Service ObjectsA headset with a microphone.
UsersTwo users partially imposed on each other.
HelpDesk PostsSpiral notepad
HelpDesk TicketsA clipboard with a check on it.

Other icons such as the icons in the drop-down toolbar resemble a stylied monochromatic version of how the icons appeared in previous Empower releases.

Red Asterisk and Required Fields, Error Messages, and Success Messages Red asterisks now denote if a field or attribute is required for that object. Error messages when creating or updating an object appear in a red box while success messages appear in a green box.

Primary Buttons and Secondary Buttons Buttons that perform a primary action appear in the primary color of the page with white lettering. Buttons that perform a secondary action appear in white with black lettering. Primary action in general refers to the primary purpose of the page. Create Item or Delete Checked Item(s) are examples of primary buttons. Close or Cancel are examples of secondary actions.

Persistent Object Header Bar The object header bar that contains action options in all Empower objects, is now locked in place for easy navigation. If an object form such as Attributes or Parts Lists/BOM contains a long list of data, the object header bar remains locked in place and easily accessible even when navigating down a long list of Attributes or a large BOM.

User Preferences: Updated Color Themes Empower now supports nine color themes to assign to forms and objects. The new color themes are as follows: Default Blue, Orange, Dark Blue, Green, Purple, Sienna, Pink, Teal, and Yellow. Similar to the previous versions of Empower, color themes can be configured by hovering over the user icon at the top right of the screen, selecting User Preferences within the drop-down menu, and clicking on Themes/Option Files.

Empower Desktop - Home Page

User Icon - The Empower User drop-down that welcomed users back has been rolled up into a user icon that now appears at the top right corner of the screen. By default, the user icon appears as a circle with the user’s initials. When hovered over, the user profile icon launches a drop-down menu that displays the user’s Signoff Status Availability, Preferences, Themes, and the option to Log Out. The previous user icon, that lead to the General page of the User object of the logged in user that appeared towards the top left corner of the Empower Desktop has been removed.

Help Icon - To the left of the user icon, a new help icon appears as a question mark within a circle. Hovering over the help icon launches a drop-down menu that displays the following options: Help Files and About. Selecting and clicking on the Help Files option lead to the existing Help Files page. Selecting and clicking on the About option leads to the Empower - Application/Server Information page.

Home, Inbox, Dashboard, Notifications, News - The Home, Dashboard, Notifications, and News tabs of the home page no longer contains icons. The titles for each Home Page tab appears in a larger font. The icons for Quick Links, Recent Items, and Bookmarks has also been removed.

Empower Login Page

The User Name or Email* field replaces the user icon field. The Password* field replaces the password icon field. Below the password field, options to Reset/Change password and the Forget password? are available for the user. Below the Log In button additional links appear in gray. Home Page links to the Empower Server Home page, Licenses links to the Empower Licenses Monitor, and About links to the Empower - Application/Server Information page.

New Feature: New Access Policies

Empower introduces a new permission model that allows administrators to configure how user groups view and interact with Empower objects. The new permission model is comprised of four access rules types: Field Access Rules, Project Access Rules, Business Unit Access Rules, and Data Access Policies. Access rules are defined by user group. Field Access Rules, Project Access Rules, and Business Unit Access Rules are created and configured within a user group within the Permissions, User Options page of Empower Administrator. Data Access Policies are created within the Data Access Policies, User Options page of Empower Administrator, but are assigned to a specific user group within the Permissions, User Options page of Empower Administrator. Field Access Rules govern how Item attributes and document types restrict access to viewing and interacting with items and documents. Project Access rules determine the conditions in which a user can view or interact with Projects. Business Access rules determine the conditions in which a user can interact with an object of a specific Business Unit. Data Access Policies determine the conditions in which a user can view or interact with Item/Parts/BOMs, Changes/ECOs, and Quality/CAPA.

Field Access Rules Field Access Rules still reside within the Permissions, User Options page of Empower Administrator and are still defined by Object, Field Type, Access Type and Field Value. Field Access Rules now focus on two objects: Item/Parts/BOMs and Documents. For Item/Parts/BOMs, users can configure the following Field Types: Item Attributes and Item Read-Only Attributes. For Documents, the following Field Types are supported: Document Type, Document Vault, and Document. All Field Access Rules now have an Access Type of Prohibit. The final piece of a Field Access Rule is the actual field value. For Items, the Field Value is comprised of Attributes within the Item/Parts/BOMs Options page. For Document Type and Document Check-In/Check Out, the field values are the Document Types listed in Document Options. For Field Type Document Vault, the field value is defined in Administrator

ObjectsField TypeProhibitive Effect of Field Access Rule
Item/Parts/BOMsAttributeIf this rule is enabled, users will be prohibited from viewing the attributes value.
Item/Parts/BOMsRead-Only AttributeIf this rule is enabled, users will be able to view but not modify the selected attribute.
DocumentsDocument TypeIf this rule is enabled, users will be prohibited from viewing documents/files assigned to the selected document vault.
DocumentsDocument VaultIf this rule is enabled, users will be prohibited from viewing documents/files assigned to the selected document vault.
DocumentsDocument Check-In/Check OutIf this rule is enabled, users will be prohibited from checking in or checking out documents/files assigned to the selected document type.

Project Access Rules Project Access Rules reside below Field Access Rules in the Permissions, User Options page of Empower Administrator. A Project Access rule allows users to perform an action on Projects with fields of a specific value which are all filtered by a specific operator. The table below lists the supported actions.

Project Access Rules ActionsEffect On Project
OPENAbility to open and see the Project and view the pages of the Project.
SEEAbility to see the Project in searches, reports, and drop-down lists.

Currently all Project Access Rules contain a default field of name which corresponds to the name of the Project.

The Project Access Rules operator determines the scope of the Project Access Rule by altering the logical relationship between the Action and the Field and Values. The table below summarizes the list of operators for Project Access Rules.

Project Access Rules OperatorsRelation to Action and Field to the Selected Values
INAllows Users to SEE or OPEN the Projects with the names specified in the Values section.
NOT INAllows users to SEE or OPEN all Projects except the Projects with the names specified in the Values section.

The final piece of a Project Access Rule is the value. Values consist of the actual Project Names for the specific Empower server. Administrators also possess the option to select one global value, named Automatically Assigned, which allows user groups to see Projects that are automatically assigned.

The table below provides an example of Project Access Rules in action.


By itself, the first Project Access Rule allows users to see and open all Project Names with the exception of Projects with a name of ONPI-00002 and ONPI-00003.

By itself, the second Project Access Rule allows users to see Projects with a name of FMEA-00001 in searches, reports, and drop-down lists.

If both of these Project Access Rules exist for a user group then they have an additive effect. Users can see all of the Projects except ONPI-00002 and ONPI-0003. Users can also see and open FMEA-00001 due to the first Project Access Rule which allows users to open and see all Projects that don’t have ONPI-0002 and ONPI-00003 as a Project name. Users cannot see or open Projects with a name of ONPI-0002 and ONPI-00003. This example examines these two Project Unit Access Rules in isolation. The user permission group can have access to other objects based on the additive effect of access rules other than the Project Access Rules.

In addition to the unique values in your Empower server, global value options [All] and [None] are available. [All] allows users to configure a rule for all values of a Project Name. [None] allows users to apply a rule to none of the existing values for Project names in your Empower server.

Business Access Rules Business Access Rules reside below the Project Access Rules in the Permissions, User Options page of Empower Administrator. Business Access Rules allows users of a permission group to perform an action on an object with a specific Business Unit with fields of a specific value which are all filtered by a specific operator. The table below lists the supported actions.

Business Unit Access RulesEffect on Object with the Specified Business Unit
OPENAbility to open and see the object with the Business Units specified in Values and view the pages of the object.
SEEAbility to see the object with the Business Units specified in Values in searches, reports, and drop-down lists.

Business Access Rules contain a default field of name which corresponds to the name of the Business Unit. The Business Unit Access Rules operator determines the scope of the Business Unit Access Rule by altering the logical relationship between the Action and configured Field and Values. The table below summarizes the list of operators for Business Access Rules.

Business Unit Access Rules OperatorsRelation to Action and Field to the Selected Values
INAllow users to SEE or OPEN the objects with the specified Business Units in the Values section.
NOT INAllow users to SEE or OPEN objects except the objects with the specified Business Units in the Values section.

The table below provides an example of Business Unit Rules in Action.


By itself the first, the first Business Unit Rule allows users to see and open all objects except objects with a Business Unit of UK Research.

The second example Business Unit Access Rule allows users not to see objects with any values for Business Units.

If both of these Business Unit Access Rules exist for a user group, then users can see and open all objects with any Business Unit except for objects with a Business Unit of UK Research. Conflicting Business Unit Rules can have an additive effect. While the second rule forbids the viewing of objects with any Business Unit Rule, the first rule overrides it. This example examines these two Business Unit Access Rules in isolation. The user permission group can have access to other objects based on the additive effect of access rules other than the Business Access Rules.

Data Access Policies Data Access Policies control access to Items, Changes, and Quality objects. Administrators can create Data Access Policies within the new Data Access Policies page within the User Options section in Empower Administrator. Data Access Policies can be configured to a specific User group in the Permissions page of Empower Administrators.

New Data Access Policies can be added through the Add Policy button. Within the Policy Information box, Administrators can name the policy, provide a description of the policy, and enable or disable the policy through a check box. Administrators can sort through all the Data Access Policies within Administrator through the Policy drop-down menu.

Each Data Access Policy can contain several rules. Rules for each Policy can be added by clicking on the plus icon. Administrators can create rules that allow an action on a specific type of object under specific conditions. An enabled checkbox allows users to disable or enable specific rules.

Similar to Business Access Rules and Project Access Rules, Administrators can select two options for Action: OPEN and SEE. The table below summarizes how these actions work in Data Access Policies Rules.

Data Access Policies ActionsRules Effect on Object with the Specified Data Access Policy
OPENAbility to open and see objects specified by Data Access Policy and view the pages of the object.
SEEAbility to see objects specified in searches, reports, and drop-down lists.

Also similar to Project Access Rules and Business Access Rules, the following operators are supported for Data Access Policy rules: IN and NOT IN.

Data Access Policy Rules can cover three Empower object types: Items, Changes, and Quality. Administrators can set up conditions against Items, Changes, and Quality types. As a special case for Items, Administrators can set rule conditions against category and lifecycle in addition to type. The table below summarizes the supported objects and condition fields for Data Access Policy rules.

Data Access Policies Object TypeAvailable Condition Fields for the Data Policies Object Type

To complete a condition, users can set the custom Empower values for type, category, or lifecycle for the available condition fields. Similar to Business Unit Access Rules and Project Access Rules, global value options such as [All] and [None]. To illustrate these rules in action, we’ve provided the examples below.

ObjectActionCondition FieldCondition OperatorCondition Values
Item/Part/BOMOPENLifecycleNOT INObsolete

The first Data Access Policy Rule allows users to open and see all Items that do not have a lifecycle of Obsolete or Abandoned.

The second rule allows users to open and see Changes with a type of ECO or MCO.

The third rule allows users to see Quality objects with a type of NCMR, SCAR, or FMEA in searches, reports, and drop-down menus.

Similar to Business Unit Access Rules and Project Rules, Data Access Policy rules are additive in nature. In general if one rule gives access to a specific object and coexists with a rule that restricts access, then the rule that gives access takes priority. Administrators are responsible for avoiding contradictions and conflicts within their own Access Policy rules.

Upgrade: Universal Tasks Module

Empower Item/Parts/BOMs, Vendor Items, Vendors, Service Objects, HelpDesk Posts, and HelpDesk Tickets now support tasks through a new Task section in each supported object. Similar to tasks in Projects, Changes/ECOs, Quality/CAPA, and Training objects, Task Management allows users to define actions that lead to the completion or implementation of the object.

Items and Training: Revision Tasks In addition to Tasks within the Tasks section, users can configure Revision Tasks for Items/Parts/BOMs and Training objects. Revision Tasks resemble Tasks, but are specific to each revision of an item or a training object. Revision tasks can be enabled in items and training within Empower Administrator.

Add Tasks: Prevent Release If Not Completed Checkbox Within the Add Task and Modify/Update Task pages, a new checkbox titled Prevent release if not completed exists in the bottom of the General section. If this checkbox is checked, the overall object cannot be released until that specific task is completed.

Load/Import Tasks In addition to the Add Task button, users can load and import tasks to Item/Parts/BOMs, Vendor Items, Vendors, Service Objects, HelpDesk Posts, and HelpDesk Tickets through the Load/Import Tasks button which is symbolized by a spreadsheet icon with an arrow pointing from right to left within the spreadsheet. For Items and Training objects, users can also import Revision Tasks through a second Load/Import Tasks button within the Revision Tasks section.

Require Completion Within the Add Task and Modify/Update Task pages, a new section titled Require Completion appears. Require Completion contains all other action tasks listed in the Task form. Every action task checked and saved in the Require Completion section must be completed until the action tasks checked in the Require Completion are completed.

Required Fields Additionally within the Add Task and Modify/Update Task pages, a new section titled Required Fields appears. Required Fields lists core and custom attribute fields that can a user can add as a prerequisite for completing the task.

Task Filtering Within the Tasks section of an object, users can filter tasks through the View tasks drop-down menu. The View tasks drop-down menu is also available for Revision Tasks for Items and Training. The table below lists the View tasks option and their function.

View Tasks Drop-Down OptionFunction
All TasksDisplays all tasks. Default option.
All Open TasksDisplays all non-completed tasks.
My TasksDisplays all the tasks of the logged in user.
My Open TasksDisplays all non-completed tasks for the logged in user.
Task ExplorerDisplays tasks in a two-pane index format. The left pane displays the list of task vertically. The right pane displays the Task Information, Resources, Predecessors, and Require Completion sections vertically.
All Revision TasksDisplays all revision tasks grouped by revision number. Only available for the filter within the Revision Tasks section.

Task Management and Empower Administrator In order to support the new task management module, the following modifications have been made to Empower Administrator.

Enable Revision tasks on items and Enable Revision tasks on Trainings Within the Tasks Option section of the Rules/Optons page within the Global Options of Empower Administrator, two new settings exist. Checking the box next to Enable Revision tasks on items and clicking save, activates the Revision Tasks section of Tasks on Items. Checking the box next to Enable Revision tasks on trainings and clicking save, activates the Revision Tasks section within the Tasks section of Training.

Task Template Creation To support the expanded scope of Tasks, Administrators can now create and import Task Templates for Items, Vendors, Vendor Items, Service Objects, HelpDesk Posts, and HelpDesk Tickets.

Universal Tasks Custom Fields With the expansion of tasks to Item/Parts/BOMs, Vendor Items, Vendors, Service Objects, HelpDesk Posts, and HelpDesk Tickets, Administrators can also add custom tasks fields for the tasks in each of these objects. To support this a new Custom Tasks Fields section has been added to the Options pages for Item/Parts/BOMs, Vendor Items, Vendors, Service Objects, HelpDesk Posts, and HelpDesk Tickets in Empower Administrator.

Object Creation: Multiple Task Template Assignment When creating a new object within Empower, users can now add multiple task templates to the objects. Previously, only one task template could be added to an object during object creation. Task templates and Revision Task Templates (for Items and Training), can be added by selecting the Task Template or the Revision Task Template field within the adding a gield within the General Fields/Attributes section when creating a new object.

Task Management and Search When initiating a task search from a database search, the options Item Tasks, Vendor Tasks, Vendor Item Tasks, Service Object Tasks, HelpDesk Post Tasks, and HelpDesk Tickets Tasks now appear along with the previously supported Change/ECO Tasks, Quality/CAPA Tasks, Project Tasks, and Training Tasks. Within the search results, a new column labeled Revision appears to support revision tasks for Items and Training objects.

Task Management and Desktop Inbox When initiating a search within the Inbox, a new column labeled Revision appears to support revision tasks for Items and Training objects.

Reporter: Due/Overdue Task Report Within the Due/Overdue Task Report (located in the Task/Activity Reports section of Reporter), new Objects options for Item Tasks, Vendor Tasks, Vendor Item Tasks, Service Object Tasks, HelpDesk Posts Tasks, and HelpDesk Tickets tasks appear. Additionally within the Options section, a new Include revision tasks checkbox appears. Checking the Include revision tasks box adds a Revision column within the search results. All tasks with a value for revision in this report are revision tasks.

Upgrade: Redline Trainable Documents

Users can now modify the Trainable document attribute for Item Documents in a Change/ECO. (The Trainable document attribute also can directly modified within the Documents page of an Item.) When modifying a Trainable Item Document, the Trainable document flag appears when editing an Item document. Additionally, all Trainable document modifications appear in the Change/ECO Redlines with data to be changed appearing in red with a red line crossed through and new data appearing in green.

Upgrade: Training and Retain Due Dates

When creating a new revision for a Training object that has a frequency set to Recurring or Recurring - Scheduled and Revision Change, a new check box labeled Retain Due Dates appears. If checked and a new revision of the Training object is created, users who completed their training assignments in the previous revision get assigned new training based on settings in Administrator while users who haven’t completed their training assignments in the previous revision retain their old due date.

Upgrade: Custom Reports - Associated Objects Improvements

When creating a custom report with Changes/ECOs or Quality/CAPA as an object, users now can select additional Associated Object fields. For custom reports with Changes/ECO or Quality/CAPA set as an object, a new Relationship drop-down appears and allows users to select fields from Associated Changes/ECO, Associated Projects, and Associated Quality/CAPA. The pre-existing Affected Items and Documents fields can also be selected from the Relationship drop-down menu. Once a relationship option is selected a new selection of fields is available for the report. The table below summarizes the new Associated Object fields for Custom Change reports and Custom Quality reports.

Associated Change/ECO FieldsAssociated Project FieldsAssociated Quality Fields
  • Associated Change/ECO Number
  • Associated Change/ECO Type
  • Associated Change/ECO Priority
  • Associated Change/ECO Description
  • Associated Change/ECO Reason
  • Associated Change/ECO Expiration
  • Associated Change/ECO Status
  • Associated Change/ECO Active Workflow Stage
  • Associated Change/ECO Raised By
  • Associated Change/ECO Raised On
  • Associated Change/ECO Released On
  • Associated Change/ECO Cancelled On
  • Associated Change/ECO Implemented On
  • Associated Change/ECO Business Units
  • Associated Change/ECO Projects
  • Associated Project Priority
  • Associated Project Lifecycle
  • Associated Project Active Workflow Stage
  • Associated Project Status
  • Associated Project Business Units
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Due Date
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Description
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Reason
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Active Workflow Stage
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Status
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Business Units
  • Associated Quality/CAPA Projects

In addition to the core fields listed above, Change/ECO, Project, and Quality/CAPA custom fields unique to your Empower can also appear as Associated Object fields.

Upgrade: Silicon Expert - Display All Fields

When checking or creating a vendor item from a Silicon Expert Search, users now have the option to display all attributes available for that vendor part. After clicking Check/Create Part, a new checkbox labeled Display all available fields appears. Checking that box displays all the available attributes for that vendor item from Silicon Expert.

Upgrade: Improvements to BOM Loading Performance

BOM loading performance within the Parts List/BOM page of an Item and the BOM Changes page of a Change has been improved. Users with significantly large BOMs will notice a pronounced improvement in BOM loading within the Parts List/BOM page of an Item and the BOM Changes page of a Change.

Upgrade: Database Search Now Includes Calendar Widget When Searching for Date Fields

When performing a database search for objects using a date based search field such as Released On, a new calendar widget appears when the user clicks within the Search value box. The calendar widget defaults to the current date.

Upgrade: License Monitor Now Displays Remaining API Calls

The Empower License Monitor now tracks API licenses. The Quantity column displays the maximum daily limit of API calls while the Available column displays the number of remaining calls.

Updated Empower Support Email

The contact email for Empower Technical Support is now All previously used email distributions for Technical Support are no longer supported.


Administrator: Duplicate Usernames and Adding User Groups to Training Matrix Report An issue where adding a user with a duplicate username can cause errors when adding a user group to a Training Report Matrix has been resolved. As a consequence of this fix, Administrators can no longer update a user to have a username that is identical to an existing username of another user.

Administrator: Routings Missing from Documents Storage Object Menu An issue where the Routings option is missing from the Object drop-down menu when editing a specific Document Storage option has been resolved. When editing a Document Storage Option, Routings now appears within the Object drop-down menu.

Search: 500 Internal Server Error, Refdes Field, and All Items Search An issue where including BOM Search: Refdes field in an All Times search results in a 500 error has been resolved. Including, the BOM Search: Refdes field in an All Items search now generates valid results.

Objects: Redlines and Linked Documents An issue where linked documents only displays the old link in the Document Changes redline of a Change/ECO has been resolved. Now previous linked documents appear in red with a red line crossed through it while new linked documents appear in green.

Objects: Workflow - Remaining Stages Not Displayed at Branching Point An issue in the Signoff page where multi-branch workflows only displayed one stage after a branching point in the workflow has been resolved. Signoff reviews at a stage after the branch point can now see the remaining stages in a workflow.

Objects: Items and Associated Training An issue where associated Training objects occasionally did not appear in the Training page of an Item has been resolved. Clicking on the Training page of an Item object now reliably displays Training objects that use that Item.

Objects: Removing User Group from Training and the History Page An issue where the History page of a Training object incorrectly records the removal of a user group as the addition of a user group to the Training object has been resolved. The History page of a Training object now correctly records the removal of a user group as a removal.

Objects: Signoff Comments not Accessible on Service Objects or Vendors An issue where signoff comments are not visible after an approval or rejection later in the workflow in the Signoff page for Service Objects and Vendors has been resolved. Signoff comments now appear and persist throughout the signoff process..

Objects Email Alerts and Vendor History Page An issue where the History page of the Vendor did not display event email alerts sent has been resolved. The Vendor History page now accurately records email alert events.

Objects: Signoff Status of Reviewers Becomes Unsigned in Branches An issue where the status of Review Only users in branch stages reverts to unsigned when a Change/ECO is rejected and returned to the initiator has been resolved.

Objects: Single Invalid Email Address Prevents Sending Export Emails An issue where a single email address disrupts an Item/Part/BOM, Change/ECO, or Quality/CAPA email notification has been resolved. A single invalid email address no longer prevents an Export/Send email from being sent to valid email addresses also included with the invalid email address. Users are responsible for verifying email address validity.

Objects: Unable to Import BOM to Older Revisions An issue where importing a BOM into the older revision of an Item/Part/BOM fails and actually uploads into the latest revision of the Item/Part/BOM has been resolved. Uploading a BOM into an older revision now successfully updates the BOM in that targeted older revision.

Objects: Pending Icon Missing from Affected Items Page of a Change/ECO An issue where the pending (“Item is Pending”) icon is missing when from pending items in the Affected Items page of a Change/ECO has been resolved.

Objects: Change/ECO Releases Incorrect Document An issue where a Change/ECO releases the old version of a document due to an occasional unintended extra check in has been resolved. Checking in a new version of a Document will count as a single check in and result in the intended new version of the document to be released.

Objects: Editing Vendor Name or Vendor Part Number on Existing Vendor Item An issue where editing the Vendor Name or Vendor Part Number on an existing Vendor Item can lead to two Vendor Part Item’s with the same database ID number has been resolved. Note that this issue only affected the local database.

Objects: Missing Part Numbers in Where Used as Alternate An issue where Part numbers that are alternates on a BOM do not appear in the Where used as Alternate section has been resolved.

Objects: Unexpected Negative Numbers in User Training Report An issue where the “Due In” column on User Training Reports displays negative values for already completed Recurring Rev Training has been resolved.

Objects: Affected Item Import Ignores Rev Bump setting for Change Type An issue where importing a list of part numbers into the affected items list on a Change results in a bump in revision numbers for the imported items even when the default settings for change type specify no Rev Bump and No Rollup has been resolved.

CADKit: Design Upload Utility and Uploading Files An issue where Documents did not upload to the Change/ECO when uploading files through the web-based version of the Design Upload Utility has been resolved.